①All told, the birds ②logged as much as 80,000 kilometers on their geo-locators, the longest migration ever recorded. | |
2010/06/11 06:39:10 | |
The Ultimate Flight: 11,425 Kilometers, Nonstop終極飛行:11,425公里 直飛不停歇
By Carl Zimmer
In 1976, the biologist Robert E. Gill Jr. came to the southern coast of Alaska to survey the birds preparing for their ①migrations for the winter. One species in particular, ②wading birds called bar-tailed ③godwits, ④puzzled him deeply. They were too fat.
①migration遷移;(候鳥等的)遷徙[U][C]the annual migration of birds
②wading bird涉禽類(如鶴,鷺鷥等)
④puzzle使迷惑;使為難,使窘困[H]What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.
“They looked like flying softballs,” said Mr. Gill.
At the time, scientists knew that bar-tailed godwits spend their winters in places like New Zealand and Australia. To get there, most researchers ①assumed,
the birds took a series of flights down through Asia, stopping along
the way to rest and eat. They were land birds, not sea birds that could
dive for food in the ocean. But in Alaska, Mr. Gill observed, the bar-tailed godwits were ②feasting on clams and worms as if they were not going to be able to eat for a very long time.
②feast on盡情欣賞(或享受)He feasted on the beautiful scene.
Gill wondered if the bar-tailed godwit actually stayed in the air for a
much longer time than scientists believed. It was a difficult idea to
test, because he could not actually follow the birds in flight. Finally,
in 2006, technology caught up with Mr. Gill’s ideas. He and his colleagues were able to ①implant satellite transmitters in bar-tailed godwits and track their flight.
as he had suspected, the bar-tailed godwits headed out over the open
ocean and flew south through the Pacific. They did not stop at islands
along the way. Instead, they traveled up to 11,425 kilometers in nine
days – the longest nonstop flight ever recorded. “I was speechless,” Mr.
Gill said.
Since then, scientists have tracked a number of other migrating birds.
Their results make clear that the bar-tailed godwit is not alone. Other
species of birds can fly several thousand of kilometers nonstop on
their migrations, and scientists ①anticipate that as they gather more data, more birds will join these ②elite ranks.
①anticipate預期,期望;預料It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.
“I think it’s going to be a number of examples,” said Anders Hedenström of Lund University in Sweden.
As more birds prove to be ultra marathoners, biologists are turning their attention to how they manage such spectacular ①feats of endurance. Consider what might be the ultimate test of human endurance in sports, the Tour de France: Every day, bicyclists ②pedal up and down mountains for hours. In the process, they raise their ③metabolism to about five times their resting rate.
①feat功績,業績;英勇事跡He did a marvellous feat.
②pedal騎腳踏車I saw him pedal to school every morning.
The bar-tailed godwit, by contrast, ①elevates its metabolic rate
between 8 and 10 times. And instead of ending each day with a dinner
and rest, the birds fly through the night, slowly starving themselves as
they travel 65 kilometers an hour.
①elevate舉起;抬起;使上升Earth movements in the past elevated great areas of the seabed.
“I’m in awe of the fact that birds like godwits can fly like this,” said Theunis Piersma, a biologist at the University of Groningen.
In 2007, Carsten Egevang of Aarhus University in Denmark and his colleagues attached geo-locators to Arctic ①terns
nesting in Greenland. Based on years of bird spotting, the scientists
knew that the terns migrated to the Southern Ocean around Antarctica and then returned to the Arctic the following spring. But they did not know much more.
In 2008, the scientists managed to capture 10 Arctic terns that had come back to Greenland. It then took them months to make sense of the data.
The researchers reported this February that the Arctic terns flew from Greenland to a region of the Atlantic off the coast of North Africa, where they spent about three weeks.
The Arctic terns then ①resumed their journey south. They spent five months in the Southern Ocean. “They probably just stayed on an iceberg and fished,” Dr. Egevang said.
①resume重新開始,繼續He paused, drank a glass of his wine, reflected for a moment, and resumed.
In the spring, the terns then returned to the Arctic, often hugging the coasts of South America or Africa along the way. ①All told, the birds ②logged
as much as 80,000 kilometers on their geo-locators, the longest
migration ever recorded. Over the 30-year lifetime of a tern, it may
migrate about 2.4 million kilometers – the distance a spaceship would
cover if it went to the moon and back three times.
①all told總共;合計
②log航海日誌;飛行日誌The captain of the ship entered the details in the log.
Mr. Gill and his colleagues have recorded similar ①odysseys from other wading birds, using satellite transmitters. They found that ②bristle-thighed ③curlews fly as far as 9,650 miles without a stop, traveling from Alaska to the Marshall Islands.
②bristle (動物的)短而硬的毛;(植物的)刺毛;豬鬃
spring, scientists are attaching geo-locators to more birds, and they
expect to find new champions. One population of red knots, for example,
is now arriving in Delaware Bay from its wintering grounds 8,850 kilometers away in Argentina. “My bet is that a lot of them make it in one go,” Dr. Piersma said.
2013年10月10日 星期四
終極飛行:11,425公里 直飛不停歇
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